Paul Byles
Director, FTS
Paul Byles is Director of FTS, which provides compliance, risk management and management consulting services. He is an experienced AML expert and regulatory consultant and has worked in the financial services industry for 25 years. He is a former head of regulatory and economic consulting services at Deloitte in the Cayman Islands. He is also a former Head of Policy at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority where he drafted the original Guidance Notes on Prevention and detection of Money laundering for the Cayman Islands and many formal regulatory policies and guidelines issued by CIMA for the financial services industry.
Paul drafts risk management policies and procedures and conducts AML audits for regulated entities. He carries out AML & risk management training for over 500 financial services professionals each year. He serves as an independent director on a number of financial services and local operating firms. He holds a Masters Degree in economic development from the London School of Economics, and a Master Degree in Economics from Birkbeck College in the UK.