financial services institute

About the FSI

The Financial Services Institute (FSI) is a leading provider of professional development and training programs for the financial services industry in the Cayman Islands. The FSI offers accredited training courses as well as two one year diplomas in Financial Services and Compliance in partnership with two universities. The FSI is committed to promoting excellence, integrity, and compliance within the sector through education, collaboration, and advocacy.

Academic & Accreditation partners

The FSI has partnered with a number of institutions to deliver course offerings of a high standard which are recognized internationally.

Meet the team

We are proud of our team of trusted and well respected guest faculty who come highly qualified in their respective areas of expertise. They are well equipped to deliver expert training to develop financial services professionals.

Meet the team

The FSI’s Advisory Board consists of several experts in their respective fields who provide guidance and oversight on the courses offered to ensure that our content remains up to date and that all course content meets high standards.

Financial Services Educational Programmes

Comprehensive training and educational courses are provided for professionals interested in the international financial services industry.

Cayman Islands Compliance Diploma as well as the International Financial Services Diploma in addition to several online training courses and seminars.

A wide range of topics will be covered including AML/CFT training, ESG Preparation for Regulatory Inspections as well as Introductory online courses on Insurance Management, Investment Funds, Trusts, Banking among others.

Get your career started in
the financial services industry, today!